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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

How to Fully Protect Your Computer From Viruses and Spyware

There are so many viruses spyware and malware infections on the internet. Clicking on one wrong link can cause your computer to
start running incredibly slow, lead to losing important files or even cause you to have to reinstall your operating system. Many people think that they are protected if they have an antivirus software suite on their computer, but that is only part of keeping your computer safe.

 This tip will keep you protected if you are obedient.
*Keep Your Antivirus Software Up To Date

you need to make sure that your antivirus software is up to date. This includes making sure that all virus definitions are downloaded on your computer.

If your software isn't looking for all of the newest threats to your computer, your protective software cannot do its job. Additionally, if you have a paid antivirus software subscription, the subscriptions usually only last for one year.

When your subscription expires, the software no longer works and is not protecting your computer any more.

*Make Sure You Have Anti-spyware Software

Having an up to date antivirus program is a huge part of keeping your computer and files safe, but if you do not have a built in antispyware program, you are still not completely protected.

Viruses are programs that infect your computer programs, causing them not to work. Spyware will cause similar results, but these type
of infections keep your internet from working correctly.

Spyware can also share your information, such as credit card numbers and bank account information, with hackers. If your antivirus program does not have a spyware scanner also, be sure to download one to keep your PC safe from all types of threats.

*Set Up Full System Scans.

Also important to keep your computer protected
is running scheduled deep scans of your computer. While having an antivirus suite running in the background of your computer will help filter out most threats, no program can catch everything.

Almost all computer security suites allow for scheduling a weekly full computer scan that will double check for threats that may have slipped past the software.

These scans usually take several hours, so it is a good idea to schedule them in the middle of the night so it
does not interrupt your normal computer use. Install a Software Firewall Another method to help keep your computer safe is to install a software firewall.

While many routers come with built in firewalls, they are ineffective against anything other than hackers. They will not help keep your computer safe from malicious software. However, there are software firewalls that you can install on your PC that will allow you to select a list of programs that are allowed internet access.

This means that any suspicious programs can be locked down before they can do any damage to your computer.
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